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Lifetime Sisterhood

Our sister, Katherine Ganoung, was once a new member, Vice President of Ritual and Fraternity Appreciation, President and now serves as a chapter Advisor. As an alumnus, she reminds us of the true meaning of our symphony.

Wisdom. Devotion. Achievement. Three words that on their own are powerful characteristics; but, when in balance, they lead to a strength inherent in every Alpha Chi Omega woman. In 2013, I joined an organization that placed leadership, passion, friendship, love and these three tenets at the cornerstone of my collegiate life. To Alpha Chi Omega, I am forever thankful.

Along with Wisdom, Devotion and Achievement, Alpha Chi Omega has an incredible Symphony, first published in 1912. This reflection of the ardent tradition our sisterhood holds has taught lesson after lesson in beauty, passion, appreciation and the harmony of light and love that we send forth to the world. With each line is a story, a lesson or a dear memory I hold from my time as a collegiate member, Vice President of Ritual and Fraternity Appreciation, Chapter President and now Advisor to my beloved sorority. This is to be my Symphony.

To see beauty even in the common things of life,

I’ve always had an affinity for pretty things; flowers, art, landscapes, people. However, beauty in the common things of life was something I had never taken the time to think of before. What is common, mundane in the things around you? A flower beginning to bloom, the sounds of birds chirping overhead? Beauty is everywhere. We just have to take a moment and look.

This line became a motto in my life and with the assistance of my sisters and friends we actively sought beauty in every little thing. Success, failure, the good days and the bad my sisters taught me to find the beauty...even in the common things of life.

Friends are everywhere- we just have to be a friend to them first! This line became so true when I met with my Alpha Chi Omega sister in Italy as she was finishing her study abroad trip and I was beginning mine. Delighted to travel, explore and shine light and love we made friends everywhere we went.

to keep my life in tune with the world that I shall make no discords in the harmony of life;

A life in tune in the midst of papers, tests, responsibilities and internal pressures made an amazing impression on me as a sophomore in college. My sisters were there to assist in finding the balance of life. I had people to study with, to laugh with, to go on grand adventures with or to just enjoy time spent with each other. We shall make no discords in the harmony of life as we work to support, encourage and love one another well.

to strike on the lyre of the universe only the notes of happiness, of joy, of peace;

Happy, happy, joyful was a saying that started after a dreamy trip to a hot air balloon festival with my sisters. In that moment of life, surrounded by friends I held dear that Alpha Chi Omega brought into my life, that is truly what I felt- happy, happy, joyful!

to appreciate every little service rendered;

Daily, there are so many services to be grateful for in the world around us. From someone holding open the door to a compliment or smile in passing. One of the fondest set of memories I have from college is the week of Homecoming 2016.

I was nominated for Homecoming queen (#Kat4Kween), and my sisters were spending hours painting banners and handing out KitKat bars. The women of Alpha Chi Omega have taught me this simple truth, that service in love is an outward token of our connection to each other; no matter how large or small.

to see and appreciate all that is noble in another, be her badge what it may;

Appreciating the people around us, Alpha Chi Omega has been so progressive and understanding in their support of all people in all walks of life, identity and understanding. During recruitment, we seek to find women who will grow our chapter’s strength in sharing the stories of their life. The beautiful components of leadership, passion and heart that will be cultivated and grown in their time in the Delta Rho chapter. Appreciating all, no matter the badge, because every individual is noble and valued.

and to let my lyre send forth the chords of love, unselfishness, sincerity.

The women in this organization have been constant in their support, dedicated in their love and to each woman I am extremely grateful. How amazing it is to be surrounded by a group of women with traditions and goals that align with your values, push you to greater heights and give you the support when you need it most.

It is here that I have found some of the most incredibly inspiring, humble and selfless women. It is here that my fondest college memories have been made. It is here that I learned the meaning of leadership and friendship. It is in Alpha Chi Omega that I continue to seek the heights.

This is to be my symphony.


Katherine Ganoung

“We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” “Even longer” – Winnie the Pooh

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